Monday, June 27, 2011

Bittersweet birthday

I realize my birthday was a little over a month ago, but it hit me this weekend how different 26 is from 25 in a number of ways.

First off, I'm officially uninsured. The recent healthcare bill made it possible to stay on my dad's insurance for another year, even though I'm married and no longer a student. But 26 is the absolute limit, and when I went to refill my prescription on Friday, hearing the pharmacist saying "your insurance is expired" really brought it home.

Plus I had to go out and buy a file cabinet for all the various adulty paperwork I have--car title, marriage license, bank statements, car insurance, loan paperwork, etc.,

When the heck did I become an adult? An uninsured adult with tons of paperwork and only a part-time job?

I hope by my 27th we know where we're moving next, and I have at least the prospects of a full time job wherever that might be. As more and more of my friends start having kids, I also wonder when we should start thinking about that...but then I get too freaked out and stop. One thing at a time, one thing at a time...

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