Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hurry up and wait

These days, it always seems like I'm waiting for something to happen. Thanksgiving, Christmas, graduation, Brian hearing back from doctoral programs, moving, etc. Of course, as soon as those do happen, I immediately move on to the next thing. This week, it's a major event at work that I am terrified I won't be able to successfully pull off (and even if I do, I'm worried that it will all be for nothing and student attendance will be low).

So, I'm trying to focus more on enjoying the moment and finding pleasure in where I'm at right now. For example:
--The weather in Florida is fabulous right now--low 70s, breezy, sunny. The best (only?) good part of living in Florida is the winter weather.
--The townhouse where we live now is great and it's unlikely we'll be able to afford something similar wherever we go next.
--Our neighborhood is very safe and our neighbors are kind and friendly.
--Only working part-time means my time is flexible and I have time during the week to run all my errands, plus I can get days off and vacation when I need.

That said, there are things I'm looking forward to:
--My mom coming to visit for Thanksgiving, and the things we have planned (a visit to Sanibel Island, among others)
--Being able to go home for Christmas, hopefully for 2 weeks
--Brian finishing his doctoral applications, and hearing back
--Figuring out where we're moving next --Visiting Harry Potter Land (or whatever it's technically called), hopefully next semester

I feel like our life is in a holding pattern right now. When our friends are buying houses and having children, we're waiting to figure out where we'll move next--a place we'll be for a few years before we move again. It's hard, to say the least. Since I have a feeling I'll be blogging about this kind of thing for some time to come, I've changed the name of my blog. It seemed fitting. Now hurry up...and wait for me when you get there.

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