Saturday, November 26, 2011

In the Homestretch

We're currently in the homestretch in a number of ways--most importantly, Brian's almost finished with his doctoral applications (can you hear my shouts of joy all the way from Florida?). I'm trying not to think about the subsequent months of waiting to hear once he turns them in...

We're also only 3 weeks away from heading home from Christmas, and I can't WAIT...when we moved here, I didn't think it would be so hard to be away from our family, but it definitely is. Only getting to go back once every 6 months is akin to some kind of torture. I know the only way we'll be moving back to NC is if Brian DOESN'T get into a doctoral program, something neither of us wants to happen, but I wish we could be within a reasonable driving distance and be able to go back for weekends.

Brian's also in the homestretch of his Master's...once he finishes this semester, he only has one class, an independent study, and his thesis left. I realize this is still a lot...but for me, it's just one semester. And then I'll get him back, at least for a few months! As it is, I only see him for a few minutes a day outside of passing each other in the house on our way in/out to class or work. That's been hard too...especially over the holidays, like this weekend, when he spent (and is still spending) every day in the library.

I'm also really looking forward to knowing where on earth we'll be moving this summer...currently, the choices are St.Louis, Pittsburgh, NYC, South Bend, Dayton, Washington DC, and Milwaukee. None of them especially appeal to me, but it'll still be good to know. The alternative, of course, is moving back to NC and both of us trying to find a job, a prospect I don't particularly relish even though both of us still have contacts there. At least we know that, wherever it will be, it'll be for longer this time--most doctoral programs are 4 to 5 years, and if he doesn't get in, I'm determined that it will be at least 2 years before we go through this nightmarish experience of applications again.

I'm glad to be in the homestretch...but now that we're here, I'm realizing it may be the hardest part of all. 

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