Sunday, April 22, 2012

So close, yet so far away

AMU Graduation, a few years ago. Photo by Deacon Wallace

This is how I feel right now--graduation is SO. CLOSE. Yet there's so much more to do before it's here. For Brian, his thesis defense (Friday) and finishing a final project for his independent study; for me, Senior Awards (tonight), interviewing replacements for my job, proctoring exams (starting Saturday), an always laborious and seemingly-endless process, and cleaning the entire house before his family arrives next Thursday.

And then...I just don't know.  Brian got accepted to SLU but as yet hasn't been offered any money and we're reluctant to go any further into debt, especially in this economy. We're pondering a deferment and a move back to Raleigh (a prospect that excites me to no end; 2 years away has taught me just how much I miss it). In the meantime, we're going to visit family and figure things out from there. Which means that being settled and figuring things out is so close...yet so far away.

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