Sunday, December 14, 2008

What a Week(end)

This week started out easy--I finished up my Christmas shopping, and the rest of the time sat around in my pajamas working on my online class (which is getting ridiculous..more on that in a bit). Then somehow it exploded, and I ended up working about 30 hours in three days, plus some today, and some tomorrow. I'm so exhausted I can barely see straight, and I've been having dreams about making breakthroughs with my clients in therapy, and waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking that I've forgotten something crucial for one of the many things I had to do this weekend.

Here's a run down of my week:
Monday: shopping, online class
Tuesday: online class
Wednesday: 10 hour workday, including a potluck/meeting with the JFS advisory board at which I had to present what the special needs committee is doing.
Thursday:9 hour workday, including 4 clients (one of whom I had to convince to get out of bed and help dress)
Friday: 10 more hours, including a clinical lecture on ABC therapy and the first Special Needs Shabbat (this one for Hanukkah).
Saturday: Attempting to go to the gym (I nearly fell asleep halfway through) and a family Christmas party in Burlington.
Sunday: Hanukkah party for the seniors, online class, mass.

No wonder i'm tired.

The special needs dinner went well--and now they want me to start a group for young adults. This is a good idea...but I'm already feeling overworked, and I didn't even have class this week. Plus I felt like the whole thing was a giant test--I was co-facilitating the young adults with someone who worked at TEACCH for a really long time (and has offered me an internship there next year) and I felt like all my actions were being judged. I think I did well (maybe too well, since he wants me to start up the group and reallly wants me at TEACCH next year). But there's a reason I quit my job on the weekends..I don't want to add more work for which I don't even get paid.

The Hanukkah party today was packed, and Brian was a hit, since I drug him with me. Also, i'm now addicted to seltzer (it's everywhere at Jewish functions!) and latkes are quite tasty. I can also sing most of the blessings in Hebrew now without having to look at anything. 

Now, for the online class: This is ludicrous. It's SO much information that it's worth a semester class. I've probably spent 30 hours on it so far at LEAST and i'm only halfway through the fifth section (out of six).  Today alone I spent THREE HOURS watching videos on gay rights. And we have an exam after every section that has ridiculously specific questions on it.  Honestly, working myself to death was not what I had intended to spend my first week on break doing. 

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