Sunday, September 27, 2009

Business as usual

I know I haven't written in a while...but that's mainly because I haven't had anything to say. I continue to not be motivated to do school-related things (especially when they pertain to Community Theory, aka, the class I want to end RIGHT NOW.)

I haven't made any more wedding progress (although I do have florist and cake appointments this week).

I will comment on all the TV shows that are now back from their summer break:
  • Top Chef--much more predictable than last season. But still good.
  • House--I actually liked the premiere, and may keep watching even though I didn't plan to watch at all this season.
  • Bones--So far excellent as usual. And excellently gross.
  • Glee--No words can describe how much I love this show. I just hope they don't lost their momentum and end up like Ugly Betty, more drama than comedy.
  • Grey's Anatomy--I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Mercy West merger. And the fact that Meredith, Izzie, and Derek will be gone for parts of the season.
  • The Office. I just got addicted to this thanks to Brian (and my very Michael Scott-like boss at my internship), but so far I like it. Plus a girl I went to England with is supposed to be in an episode soon.
Obviously this is far more TV than I should really be watching...but I'm going to watch it anyway. School isn't exactly so riveting that it tears me away.

I'm just holding out for Thanksgiving.

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