Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life update

I know it's been forever since I have written...but we still don't have Internet at home and I find myself wanting to spend my (increasingly limited) free time at home rather than tracking down wi-fi networks.

I (finally) started my job Nov.1, and even though it's only part-time for now, it's been busy since the get-go. I'm doing Career Counseling for undergrads, and the closer it gets to graduation, the more panic-stricken seniors I get in my office. (I'm expecting there to be hordes by March). I like it though, since it gives me an opportunity to both do individual counseling and also event planning and administrative stuff; I'm just hoping it gets upped to full-time in the near future, as I both need more time to get everything done, but also could really use a full-time salary and health benefits. I may also start volunteering at a local clinic; more on that as it happens.

Brian's finishing up the first semester of his Master's in Theology (his last exam is tomorrow), and we head back to NC on the 26th. I can't believe it's been almost 6 months since we left--it seems like it's been forever and no time at all, simultaneously. We're already thinking about where we might end up next (so far the choices are staying here, Pittsburgh, DC, and New York, with more to come I'm sure).

Life is an adventure right now..and I kind of like it that way.

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