Monday, September 22, 2008

Hello, Nervous Breakdown

As I promised when I started this blog, I will be chronicling many a nervous breakdown, the first of which happened this weekend.

It was a bit of a weekend-long one, starting on Friday with getting lost in Cary (I only wish I had an aerial video of it, since we actually started out where we needed to be, just across the street, and ended up driving about for an hour only to end up back where we started) and ending up Sunday with some hysterical sobbing and calling in sick to work (which I have NEVER done, in any job, shockingly enough). In other words, awesome fun. NOT.

I'm just feeling super overloaded, both in class (several hundred pages of reading a week, at least one paper/project, and not to mention 5 classes I actually have to sit through, 4 of which are 3 hours each and 1 of which is 2) and at JFS (2 clients I have to see weekly, 2 groups to run, and participating in an action team for creating a special needs group).  I'm thinking I may have to cut back on working with Joe, my client, even though it's really the last thing I want to cut and I feel completely horrible and guilty about it.  

Also, I had the usual insult that gets me riled up: " you look like you're 10!" This AFTER I had introduced myself as the SW intern. Well, excuse me for trying to be professional...I really think this comment was utterly unnecessary not to mention pretty humiliating, as it happened in front of the members of the action team I was about to sit in on.  I HATE HATE HATE when people say that to me, especially when my introduction makes clear that I am older than that.

But, to end on a good note, I did have a compliment today, from a guy that's in all of my classes--we were talking about assignments and I said one had taken me a certain number of hours, to which he said "wow, Sarah's really efficient, that many Sarah hours is double my hours!" Another friend also commented on how ahead of the curve I am...which, even though I don't think it's true, is at least reassuring.

1 comment:

Lara Newell said...

I think my nervous breakdowns are ongoing.