Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Goodreads Addiction

Hello, my name is Sarah, and I'm addicted to Goodreads.

I actually got a Goodreads account almost three years ago, used it briefly, and then kind of petered out and hadn't touched it in months. But I'm scanning books at work, and I needed something easy and simple to read while I did it. So I got on Goodreads. Now, several days later, I'm addicted to making shelves, adding books, looking for books I want to read, joining groups...my scanning work is almost complete so I won't be on it as frequently come tomorrow, but this site is GENIUS. I've never found so many books I want to read in one setting. I also enjoy reading the reviews of various books, even books I've already read. I find Goodreads reviewers to be, for the most part, more discerning readers than Amazon reviewers.

Plus, this website brings me hope. Look how many people are reading, thinking about reading, writing about reading! I read a recent article on Entertainment Weekly that said (jokingly, but still), "Who cares? No one reads anymore". I felt my chest tighten and thought THIS CANNOT BE TRUE! And now, I'm assured it isn't. Whew. That was a close one.

Plus, it's inspired me to read more and watch less tv, coming on the heels of my weekend revelation that tv is just too much work. It's hard to keep up with a series! But a book will start right back where it left off. (Although I do plan to keep some shows. You can't take away my Top Chef, now.)

On an unrelated but entirely felicitous note, BRIAN'S DOCTORAL APPLICATIONS ARE FINISHED!!!! (skies opening, choruses of angels singing). WOO! Of course, it is still 2ish months until we'll know anything at all. But still. It's something, and I'll take it!

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