Friday, August 15, 2008

Here's to new beginnings

"Sometimes life is like Whac-A-Mole--you have to make decisions and all you have is a puffy baton"--Prof. Strom-Gottfried

At the closing of day 2 of orientation, I'm no less exhausted and keep finding myself alternating rapidly between contentment, excitement, and the urge to sob uncontrollably over the passing of one of the best summers work and friend-wise ever. I'm feeling alone as I sit by myself on a Friday night and separated from everyone that gave me that comfort zone, allowing me to not have to branch out.  I've met lots of great people in the past 2 days--but will any of them really be close? Will I be able to keep up with my college friends like I want to? Will I survive grad school as anything other than a quivering mass of nerves?

As down on life as I've been recently, I am glad to be where I am in my life (although I wish I were somehow magically able to make a lot more money; paying the bills is stressing me out big-time).

On a different note...
I'm sure this is clear for those of you who know me, but...I am a HUGE nerd. Today we had to to take a writing assessment, and I actually thought it was kind of fun. I KNOW..i'm weird. But in a strange way, the challenge got me geared up to be writing papers again (I actually downloaded a ton of classical music by my fav composers (Mozart, Vivaldi, and Gershwin) to study/write papers by, as after 4 years of living in near-constant noise, silence drives me nuts and I can't focus if there are things with words (ie, tv or pop music) playing nearby.  

So, here's to new beginnings--may they be as promising as they look.

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