Thursday, October 23, 2008


Some things I've been thinking about:


Shows this year have been decent. Such as House (which has really been kind of iffy...especially after this week's episode, where 13 started making out with random girls to deal with her progressive Huntington's), Bones (i've only seen 2 episodes, and I watched them both yesterday...but other than Angela and Hodgins breaking up, which I'm really hoping changes in the episodes I haven't seen, it seems good), Ugly Betty (finally! right mix of comedy, drama, and attitude!), and Jon and Kate Plus 8 (the little kids are in preschool!!). But really, what is up with everybody on Bones using their iphones to watch videos of people beating each other up that relate to cases? And who WAS that woman that came to Wilson's apartment? Will House make out with Cuddy?? Will Betty get back with Gio, or random new musical neighbor boy?  Really, who knows.  Plus, shocker, Lindsay Lohan has been actually decent on Ugly Betty.  


I feel like (and am really praying I'm right) that the worst of the semester is over. October was a bit rough after 2 tests, a presentation, and 4 papers; this month, I only have 2 papers and 2 presentations (although I am back to all my hours at JFS).  Everyone keeps saying next semester is easier...I hope they're not lying.


Every day is an adventure at, for example, I had an entire interview with a client sitting in her underwear, who couldn't remember who I was and lapsed into German. And another with a client who ranted about shower caddies for about 20 minutes.  But, i'm still struggling with the culture--picking up on all the Jewish terms (today I had a conversation with a rabbi over the phone, and he threw in a ton of Hebrew words and I had NO idea what he was saying) and the really abrupt way most people in the office speak.  Plus having to say, "um..I'm actually not Jewish..." about 10 times a day.  

Life in general

First, over Fall Break, I actually got homesick for my apartment, the first time that has ever happened...usually I dread going back b/c of icky roommates...that kind of makes living alone worth it,even if it is lonely from time to time.  Plus my apartment is WAY cleaner than my mom's house...

I'm also reallllly chafing to get married, and I wish it wasn't a year and a half away!  Blah.  

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