Thursday, October 16, 2008

That time of year again

Ah, fall break. Great weather, good food, family...and doctor's appointments. Since I still haven't transferred all my doctors to Chapel Hill, I had my yearly checkup today, which, in addition to being icky and awkward (ladies, you know it's true), for me generally also includes fasting and bloodwork. No change there...I had three vials of blood taken to run an organ check, to make sure my medication isn't wreaking any havoc.

This is all well and good...but last night I had dinner with my stepsister and 6 month niece (who seems to find me strangely comforting, as she generally ends up asleep in my arms whenever I see her), and today spent an hour surrounded by pregnant women in for their checkups. For someone who may not be able to have biological children, this is a bit depressing. Ok, a lot. I think my biological clock has recently gone off, as I find myself in raptures over every baby I encounter--but I never know if this will ever come to fruition. Sure, I can adopt, and I'd like to adopt even if I do have biological children. I don't even want kids for a few more years...and yet, there's always that thought in the back of my head, "What if I can never get pregnant?". It just makes it worse that my stepsister did at 19 and now my dad/stepmom dote on my niece as the only grandchild. What if she remains the only grandchild? Why did I get stuck with polycystic ovaries?

I've taken some hope that Kate Gosselin (of Jon & Kate Plus 8 fame) also has polycystic ovaries. I'm not alone, and one of us has 8 children. There's something in that.

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