Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rough week

ok, so, I realize I haven't written in a while (I promise movie reviews/rants on season finales are coming), but I've had quite a week.

Last Tuesday, my client had a meltdown while I was driving, so it was not the best day at work; then, on Wednesday, I was so preoccupied with getting out of town to go on my much-needed weekend at the beach that I ran a stop sign and got hit by a truck--thus, my car is now in the shop getting its smashed driver-side door fixed. Then over the weekend at the beach, which I was hell-bent on getting to (and did), it was too windy to sit out much, and Brian had a nervous breakdown. Plus my summer school started today, and I had a paper and a ton of reading due. Sooo...I don't think I ever really got the vacation I needed. This week I'm back at work and school, and trying to hold it together while Brian is back in New Bern for a while. I'll post more when I feel more stable.

Pray for me in the meantime.

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